About Megan McNamee
Megan McNamee is Registered a Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified LEAP Therapist.
Megan works with clients who have bladder and bowel dysfunctions, chronic pain, migraines and other inflammatory conditions. Megan especially enjoys working with bladder pain and digestive dysfunction clients because this is a condition from which she used to suffer from.
Diet is a very important piece in managing pelvic floor dysfunction. Many patients notice their symptoms are exacerbated by certain foods and/or drinks. Megan helps her patients identify and eliminate food and beverage triggers so they can receive their best results through physical therapy and medical treatment.
Learn more about Megan by visiting her website.
**If you would like to be added to this page as a healthcare provider caring for PFD and related bowel, bladder, sexual dysfunctions and pelvic pain, please contact Dr. Tara Sullivan.