Biofeedback, also called Surface Electromyography (SEMG), is a learning strategy that utilizes specialized equipment to assist a person in gaining control of their natural body functions.
Biofeedback training uses sensitive equipment that provides information or feedback that allows you to see how your pelvic floor muscles are responding to the activity attempted. Using this information combined with special exercises, you can learn to relax tense pelvic floor muscles or strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles.
Biofeedback is useful in teaching defecation and voiding mechanics to coordinate the pelvic floor during evacuation and elimination, as well as learning how to ‘up-train’ (Kegel) or ‘down-train’ (relax) the pelvic floor muscles. It is not necessary to have the computer software and specialized equipment however. The use of a mirror or examining digit is also considered biofeedback and can be just as useful when combined with tactile and verbal cues by a pelvic floor physical therapist. Biofeedback is intended to be a learning strategy. It is important that the pelvic floor physical therapist find the most useful learning tool for their patient.